About Us


Founded in 1991, Georgia Community Foundation, Inc. (“GCF”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization the mission of which is to promote and support charitable and educational activities in Georgia and to provide philanthropic advice and charitable giving services to individual donors and, when designated, members of their families.

Since its inception, the Georgia Community Foundation has made a special effort to serve donors who, after contributing to GCF, desire to recommend qualified charities or charitable projects to which they would like GCF to contribute. Through these “donor-advised” funds, individuals who contribute to GCF, and their family members, can assist GCF in supporting the charitable activities in which they have an interest.

In addition to helping donors realize their philanthropic objectives through donor-advised funds, GCF focuses its efforts in four areas: educational freedomcommunity initiatives, scholarships, and religious liberty. GCF has been a leader in education reform, including charter schools, tuition tax credit scholarships, community schools, and character education. It has led the way in promoting faith-based and community initiatives in Georgia. GCF operates two of north Georgia’s most successful college room and board scholarship programs. To protect and promote religious liberty, together with Solidarity Center for Law and Justice, P.C., it has filed amicus curiae (“friend-of-the-court”) briefs in the Supreme Court of the United States.

Georgia Community Foundation, Inc. believes that free and well-educated citizens, personal responsibility, voluntary associations, educational freedom, religious liberty, and limited government are the keys to a compassionate and civil society.

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Our Programs & Initiatives

Educational Freedom

Higher Education

Rural Health

Religious Liberty